Thursday, April 8, 2010

Too green, too soon? Renewables weaken electrical grid? Would you be willing to pay more for power?

I made a comment on LinkedIn in response to excellent questions located above and thought it would be fitting to share it also with those of you who read my blog.

It is likely that the intermittent nature of renewable energies will contribute to an occasional, localized destabilization of our antiquated energy grid. Grid however is of strategic importance to any country.

I’m sure everyone has heard the phrase “smart grid”, so new trends are actually desired leading towards more distributed power generation in urban / industrial areas with highest power demand, reducing transmission power losses, automation, generally making power generation, transmission, distribution, use, monitoring, management a more efficient affair.
Read up on what is going on in EU in terms of renewable energy, the grid, energy pricing, etc. In terms of trends, it is a perfect place to observe indicating what is coming to North America as they had to deal with most of the issues while we only start talking about these. 
In the long term, the renewables & grid issues may be a short term pain for a long term gain. I view it as a positive change and opportunity as it will lead to more investment, generated revenues based on value, innovation and job creation. So I don't view it as too green or too soon.

Would I be willing to pay more for power? 

I have kids, observe trends and I don’t think much about our need for an instant gratification, so you bet I would and I do! 
We are already on 100% clean, renewable power provided by Bullfrog Power and don't mind paying a few bucks more. I look at it as a very small, but significant investment into our collective future.
You can find my name and many others here under Bullfrog Founders Club:
The number of residential and business subscribers is growing by the day.
Hope you can join in too and help building a sustainable future.

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